They can carry many diseases that are transmissible to humans.
bird dangers

Do Birds Carry Diseases?

The answer is definitely yes. What dangers do birds represent to your health?

In addition to the noise and clutter that a horde of birds can cause by nesting on a building, did you know that they can carry many diseases that are transmissible to humans? If a group of birds make your commercial building their home, it’s important to take the necessary steps to avoid your employees, suppliers, customers or any other people accessing the building to get exposed to the dangers that such a bird infestation can bring.

While diseases contained in bird fecal matter can be transmitted through direct contact, they can also go through your respiratory system, or by ingestion or even by a bug or parasite (such as a tick). Among the main diseases that birds can transmit to humans, we have E. Coli, the Avian Flu, Lyme disease and ornithosis. There are also fungal infections, that can cause important skin infections, such as cryptococcosis and candidiasis. Also let’s not forget that these birds can transmit parasites and fleas.


What does bird excrements contain?

Birds evacuate everything at the same time, which is why their defecations are more of a mix of urine and fecal matter. These secretions contain waste that is nitrogen-rich, such as ammonia, which is converted into uric acid (little white paste). It’s this white paste that sticks to your building’s surfaces, since uric acid doesn’t dissolve easily in the rain!


Diseases that are transmissible from birds to humans

Lyme disease: coming generally from birds, this disease can also be transmitted by other small animals such as birds, squirrels and others. It will be transmitted by the sting of a tick having been in contact with an infected animal. In 80% of cases, the first symptom is a rash that will appear at the tick’s bite area.

Ornithosis: (pigeons, chickens and ducks) : Also called avian chlamydiosis, this infection transmitted via inhalation of excrement fumes will generally incur fever.

E. Coli: This bacteria is transmitted via water that has been contaminated by bird excrement. It can cause stomach pain, gastroenteritis or other infections.

Avian Flu: Often asymptomatic carriers, birds near commercial buildings can transmit this serious illness. Main transmission channels are food, water or particles contaminated with the virus. This one can spread through migrating bird excrements, who are natural carriers.


Possible fungal infections

Cryptococcosis: This disease only affects people with a very weak immune system (for example, people suffering from AIDS). Transmitted by pigeons, cryptococcosis can cause a strong fever and create skin lesions.

Candidiasis: Candidiasis is transmitted via contaminated water. The infection manifests itself as irritations around the folds (inside the elbows, neck, fingers, etc.) This irritation is characterized by an oozing skin with a bloated look.


These diseases transmissible to humans explain by themselves how important it is to maintain the surfaces of your building and to not underestimated the impact that birds can have on your health. Whether it’s by direct contact, contaminated water or via a tick, risks associated with these diseases can be avoided if the necessary precautions are considered.

Don’t wait and contact Monsieur Pigeons for our bird removal services!